
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Computer Issues, a Field Trip & a Big Boy Bed

 I wanted to fill everyone in on what has been going on with me the last few days. 

1. Sorry for the delay in posts.  I started to post on Thursday, but ran into a little issue.  Ummm, apparently, some of my laptop keys decided not to work.  The post would have been very difficult to read since one of the letters not working was the "A" key.  My computer savvy husband took it apart to find the cable/wire (whatever it is called) was starting to come unplugged.  Thus, the issues, but we should be good to go now!
2.  Yesterday, I was away all day with Amelia's class on their field trip to Green Meadow's Farm.  We had a blast, but it was so exhausting!

I have to give a thumbs up to Amelia's teacher.  All six kindergarten classes went on this trip, so there were a ton of parents along.  All the parents were given the option of leaving from the farm with his/her own child, which would allow the child to get out of school at least an hour early.  When it came time to load the buses, the most students any of the other teachers had returning to school was six kids.  However, Amelia's teacher told her students they would be practicing sentences once they returned to school, which was a joke, but the kids didn't know that.  Regardless, all but two kids told us parents they were going back to school to write sentences with Mrs. Jordan.  Seriously, those kids wanted to go back to school to learn rather than going home early.  I think that really says a lot about Mrs. Jordan, and I feel really blessed Amelia has her for a teacher.  Hopefully, Conner will be as lucky when his time for Kindergarten comes around.
 3.  We had some big excitement around the house last night.  Conner spent his first night in his Car's big boy bed.  He was so excited that he went to bed last night at 6:30pm.  He watched a movie, which I completely expected him to get up from once it was over, but nope, he stayed in bed.  Again, even though we explained he must stay in bed until Sean or I got him up, we expected to get a visitor through the evening or early in the morning, but he proved us wrong.  He stayed in his bed even though he was awake until I got him up at 6:45 this morning.  That is super exciting!!

That's all for now, but a little secret...I got a few new supplies that I have been playing around with.  I will be sharing soon.  
Have a great Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like lots of neat things have gone on at your place!!!
